“They who wait, upon the LORD will renew their strength,” {Isaiah 40;31}

Are you weary? Exhausted? Feeling as though you are at “the end of your rope?” Feeling as though you are living on raw nerves, nothing more to give, living on fumes, emotionally, spiritually at the end. Feeling as though you cannot go on and maybe don’t even want to, such is your poor state of mind and hurting heart. Like Elijah in the cave, worn down, exhausted? He who provided for the people in this passage will as He did then and did for Elijah, do also for you. For you are “His Beloved!”-{Read Rom 1:7}. Take Hope, the LORD knew and knows all about your present condition and He has a heart of compassion for you and He is the provider for the weary…, your Provider!! Take courage, have Hope, for He who is Hope is for you and loves you and is working on your behalf for His Fame, Honor and glory!

The word, “wait,” means “to hope in confident expectation.” It is not the “Hope” of a gambler, a hope of “chance” or “maybe” but a Hope of CERTAINTY, because of who it is anchored in- The LORD! Neither is it a “hope” of passivity an attitude of what ever will be will be, more defeatist as it is anchored in circumstances and self and the frailty of others but this “hope” IS A confident expectation that is based on and in “THE LORD.” A Hope of certainty because He does what He says and always does what He says! Isaiah 40 is a beautiful chapter and reminder that God Comforts His People. 

Note, in Isaiah 40:31; Not “a” but “THE,” the exclusivity of the LORD. This name is used elsewhere to refer to Him, as GOD- {Gen 2:4-5}; “PROVIDER”- {Gen 22}; SELF -EXISTENT- {Ex 3:13-15}; “Faithful…Covenant -Keeper”-{Deut 7:9}; “UNCHANGING”-{Mal 3:6}; “HOLY..” {Ish 6:1-3};” SOVEREIGN” {Ish 46:8-10}… Hoping in “THE LORD,” and coming forth from Him the.. 4 “shall/will’s” the certainties of this passage, Isaiah comforted the people with. For Isaiah 40 is a wonderful turning point in their history with THE LORD. He COMFORTS them.

We exchange our puny, weakened, exhausted strength, Thank Him we can! No deterioration, no running out of His eternal resources, provision…for His is Omnipotent strength… endless, abounding!

The consequences of Hoping, trusting in the Lord?

  1. -We “will” renew our strength. The emotional and spiritual exhaustion they knew and we likewise can identify with at times, we can come to Him who imparts strength.
  2. We “will” mount up like wings as eagles. Living above the circumstances empowered by the LORD.
  3. We “will” run and not grow weary, physically, emotionally spiritually exhausted and ready to give up, throw in the towel, because we are so beat with exhaustion! “But God…”
  4. We “will” walk and not faint! We will be able to go on in His Power, strength, because of Him, His provision!

The four “will’s” are the blessed assurance to the weary who exchange their weariness to the Lord and choose to confidently place their expectation upon Him! Hope for the weary is found in a Person, The LORD, who is Sovereign King, Master, Owner of all! He is the “HOPE” OF the “weary.” When He is the focus and our confident expectation is in Him then there comes forth the 4 “will’s” that the passage promises. BE ENCOURAGED, He is the same today for you as He was yesterday to former generations. “They who hope in confident expectation upon THE LORD…WILL…WILL…WILL…WILL…”

Read Isaiah 40:31 and underline the word “will” or “shall” and note what follows each time it is used…there is Hope for the weary In THE LORD. What a great passage to memorize, meditate upon, praise Him for, pray it for yourself or another and share it. HE IS THE HOPE.. OF.. THE WEARY! He is “THE GOD OF ALL HOPE”-{Rom 15:13} who imparts Hope…and to those who are “weary.”

Share the 4 “shall’s” or “will’s’ with someone today to encourage them, from the GOD OF ALL Hope and Comfort.