“BE BEING.. Tenderhearted…”-(Eph 4:31). The atmosphere was one of warning that there should be no…
“unwholesome talk …
grieve the Holy Spirit of God, …
slander, …
malice.”-( Eph 4:29-30)

A toxic, sinful atmosphere  was common, practiced, accepted t these vices, but Paul says instead to, “BE..” the word means to “Bring Into EXISTENCE, Becoming…” Something NEW! Something that is THE OPPOSITE of the toxic, Sinful Thinking and Actions of the Atmosphere and Environment of the vices mentioned above With Three virtues, namely, Kindness, ( usefulness, gentleness) and TENDERHEARTED, Forgiveness. The word TENDERHEARTED speaks of the inward being. The place of affections…inwardly feeling compassion, empathy for others as opposed to harness, anger, bitterness and grieving the Holy Spirit! It comes from within and is expressed outwardly towards OTHERS! The Bitter, angry person is not kind nor tenderhearted nor forgiving, But let us personalize it, as if it is “ok”to try and make a distance between us and “Those other people” as if we are inoculated from such behavior! But the reality is Paul was writing to BELIEVERS! It is a warning to me, to You…

WHERE YOU ARE – Create an atmosphere where you are, when you walk into an environment. The command is immediate and continuous”BRING INTO EXISTENCE, BECOMING…,” more and more kind and TENDERHEARTED…

What atmosphere do you bring with you? Is the environment one of kindness and tenderheartedness and forgiveness because you are there? The command is to ‘Bring into EXISTENCE, BECOMING,” such A Person, more and more Developing and Displaying such character!. It is to Treat OTHERS the way the Lord Jesus treats you with Kindness, Tenderhearted and Forgiveness….

You have the Word of God to instruct you. The Spirit of God to enable you. The capacity to be so. This is your responsibility to become, “BRING INTO EXISTENCE Kindness, Tenderhearted and Forgiveness- ( Eph 4:31)

It begins with
THINKING RIGHT. Thinking the OPPOSITE of the Vices mentioned in v 29-31. What God says to THINK on continually, and …DOING THE RIGHT THING …which is the opposite of the vices mentioned in v 29-31 and instead concentrate on Thinking and Doing the three virtues of kindness, tenderhearted and forgiveness …

BRING INTO EXISTENCE a new atmosphere where you are. Create a New Environment wherever you are.
* YOU CHOOSE…To Forgive,
** YOUR MOTIVATION? “For Christ’s Sake!”
You are not responsible for how others behave but the choices you make.Begin now and continue, motivated by His love for you… “… For Christ Sake .”-( Eph 4: 31)

Everyone BRINGS INTO EXISTENCE Attitudes and ACTIONS where they are. In every environment they live in and which influences others… God tells us which ones we are to do and continue as a NEW LIFESTYLE that is to characterize and reflect Him as His followers!

If you have sinned and failed, the Good news, confess it to Him, and turn away from the old lifestyle by choosing to align your Thinking with His. As a result choosing new Actions based on His revealed Word to you. Begin afresh. Don’t allow failure to stop you. Begin a fresh, and seek to implement this New Pattern and HABIT for how you Choose to Think and Act. Be encouraged, you may fail, but begin again, and every time you get it right is increasing your new habit and growth is happening. Begin afresh and  where you are and keep going, “‘For Christ’s Sake” -{2 Cor 4:5}

BEGIN NOW…. BRING INTO EXISTENCE… Kindness, Tenderhearted, and Forgiveness..And CONTINUE to Do, Because You Can, by the power of His Spirit!