” EVEN THOUGH the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places- (Habbaukk 3:17-19)

The Crisis and Crossroads often lead down to a choice trust Him with a counting the Cost and concluding and committing to Him…For Love says, “Even Though…” For Love Trusts in the One whose Love Is Loyal, good, and trustworthy, “Even Though…” life can at times be hard to understand, “But God… “calls us not to Lean to our own understanding nor walk by sight but to walk by faith in…HIM!

Two Beautiful words of Faith, -surrender and Love…”Even Though…’

” EVEN THOUGH …I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.”

Note the words “I WILL” mentioned twice, not something to drift into, but a choice to make. Whatever about others the writer says “I WILL…I WILL” The Crisis is a choice of will, of faith. A choice of what “I WILL” do or not do…No one can make the choice for you, but you alone, But it’s a choice of resting and relying on the Love of Him and so faith in Him, His love, goodness,wisdom, submits and trust , and these two beautiful words show the writer was not ignorant of the difficulties he would face, nor was he following Him for what He could do for him, but following Him because He was worthy and so his faith is expressed in these two beautiful words, “EVEN THOUGH…”

Some follow Him for what He can do for them, others because of who He is… one has an “Even though…” when confronted with life’s difficulties… such was Habakkuk…

Today’s Crisis Is Today’s OPPORTUNITY to Express Loving FAITH In Him Who Is All Wise, Good, And Loves You. We can spend so much time and wasting energy asking “Why? Why? Why? ” and it robs us of precious energy and distracts us from… HIM…HIM…HIM! So we leave the unknown to Him and respond to what is known by Him … for us to TRUST Him… and so we end with Him and a glorious statement of faith, “EVEN THOUGH…I WILL…REJOICE in the Lord…I WILL… JOY in the GOD of my Salvation…” Habakkuk looked at the situation but then looked away to Him who was Sovereign over his circumstances! “Even Though…”

Faith Is Tested In The Furnace- But you are never left alone in that arena of testing nor left to your own “resources,” but with Him…

And so THINK on HIS Character and TRUST in His Person and may there be a resounding, Glorious, and Triumphant “Even Though…” resounding from your heart to Him Today. We are called to TRUST HIM…

Whatever the crisis… End with Him…” Even Though…Yet I WILL rejoice in the Lord, I WILL joy in the God of my salvation…”