Dollars, Euros, Sterling,Rand, Gold, Silver etc are all different types of currency we trade in and attribute value to something. We can all wish we had lots of it and dream if we did, then we could do this and this for someone maybe, but we possess something of greater eternal significance through our relationship of being “In Christ,” namely the “currency” of Heaven, love, and the power to dispense it lavishly knowing we will never be able to outspend it and there will no crash in the market place. We can love and in particular express the “currency ”  of kindness! This quality of love inclines to be of useful service to others, seeking their highest good, expecting or seeking nothing in return.

If Kindness were a currency you gave away to others, how wealthy would they be?

“Love is being kind…” -{1 Cor 13:4}.

Kindness means to provide something beneficial for someone as an act of kindness. The root of the verb means “to be useful” and so in a mild mannered, gentle, sympathetic considerate way exercises with graciousness deeds of kindness to benefit the other person. It is gentleness with deeds of good will towards another. It is a verb, a continual way it gently behaves in doing kindness towards another. It goes beyond a kind thought to deeds of kindness. Gentle deeds of kindness! “The Greek word comes from a word meaning “useful.” A kind person is disposed to be helpful. He seeks out needs and looks for opportunities to meet those needs without repayment. He is tender and forgiving when wronged.

The word was used of mellow wine, and suggests a person who is gentle, who has an ability to soothe hurt feelings, to calm an upset person, to help quietly in practical ways.”-{Steven Cole}

A.- God is KIND- “It is the KINDNESS OF GOD that leads to repentance.”- {Rom 2:4},

B.-“But when the KINDNESS OF our God and Savior and His Love Appeared. He saved us…”-{Titus 3:4}. Note in both cases God was ACTIVE. He did not merely have feelings of kindness but DEEDS, ACTIONS, of sacrificial love to benefit others,even in our case the most vile and loveless, He is KIND and His actions show so!

When Jesus said “My yoke is EASY..” {Matt 11:28}- It is the same word transferred “KIND” here! His yoke is mild, one of kindness, useful. Sweetness, creates trouble for no one. It speaks of moral excellence when used of a person. Describes one who is “good natured, gentle, mild and pleasant, in contrast to harsh, hard, sharp {and} bitter” -{JD Watson}. His yoke is not harsh! His is not a yoke of tyranny when He bids you come SUBMIT to Him. He is KIND and His repentance is an act of Kindness and His sending His Son to save  is is an act of act of Kindness. And His call to submit to Him we find His authority is one of kindness. And we are told to be kind for love is kind, making itself ..useful to others. Considerate, gentle, and spending oneself that they may benefit.

May you grow in kindness and may others be richer because of the gentle way you deal with them and show forth to them deeds of kindness that benefit and is useful to them. May those around you be such recipients. And the glorious thing is you are not responsible for how others react, whether they receive with gratitude or take you for granted or reject your deeds of kindness, you are only responsible before Him to express love by deeds of gentleness and kindness which are useful to the other person, looking out for their welfare

Make  someone wealthy today through your deeds of kindness, with words that are soothing, and deeds that are useful and filled with …gentleness

If Kindness were a currency you gave away to others, how wealthy would they be

Are you a Kind person? Is the tone you use considerate, gentle, kind? Are the deeds you do, done purely for love sake, to benefit the other in deeds of kindness, seeking or demanding, nor expecting nothing in return? Kindness, is a choice, one act at a time, and in doing so, others will benefit and be recipients of great acts of kindness and be wealthy because of the currency you are spending on them, namely  kindness! You can impart wealth into another life today through…ACTS of Kindness