“Be being Kind, Be Being Tenderhearted, Be Being Forgiving..” – {Ephesians 4:32}

1. – Note the verse does not say to pray for such but assumes you have the POWER to exercise each quality!

2. – The Verse refers to RELATIONSHIPS. In our relationships here are three attitudes and actions we are to PURPOSELY to have and APPLY. Be INTENTIONAL.

KNOW, understand that now, this very moment, all day, today you have the capacity- THE POWER- to choose your attitude and responses in the RELATIONSHIPS and People you encounter. “In Christ” you are sufficient to discard the “old” way of handling hurts, disappointments towards others and “put on” the new way of THINKING and applying the Love of God.. and choosing to “love” others. Love is exercised in this verse by His people- through being kind, tender-hearted, forgiving others and the motivation? “…Just as God in Christ has forgiven you.” It all gets back to HIM! His choice to love you. His Coming to save you. His Cross to pay for ALL of your sins. His Resurrection as Proof His sacrifice was accepted… Motivation for you and me to extend kindness, tenderheartedness, forgiveness ? The Person and Work of Christ… Think much on Him and allow HIM TO MOTIVATE YOU!

Are you a Kind, Tenderhearted, Forgiving person?

A Christian is a Kind, Tenderhearted, Forgiving person!

When not so, it is because we have made a choice to REFUSE to be so! When we make the choice to CHOOSE not to be so and recognize it, then intentionally, purposely choosing by the grace of God , to confess it as sin, repent and begin afresh to choose to be whom God has called, empowered and revealed to us how He would have us behave in our relationships…and here in this verse are three attributes to be placed on display in our relationships – KINDNESS, TENDER-HEARTEDNESS, FORGIVENESS!

NOTE- We are NOT Responsible for the actions of others. Only our own.

NOTE- NO ONE can STOP us from exercising and extending kindness, tender-heartedness, forgiveness,outside of us, but OURSELVES!

** We make the choices to with-hold or extend in each and every relationship!

A.- In Your Relationships- which are ALL about people. Be intentional. PURPOSELY choose to continually extend KINDNESS, TENDER-HEARTEDNESS, FORGIVENESS…

B.- KNOW YOU have the POWER to BE This Type of Person!

“I CHOOSE TO extend Kindness.
I Choose to Extend Tender heartedness.
I Choose to Extend Forgiveness!
I Choose to Be this type of person God calls and EQUIPS me to BE.”

A DIFFERENT TYPE of person in your home, school. work, nursing home- wherever you are, in your relationships. THE DIFFERENCE? “Christ in you….” and you choosing in your dealings with People to EXTEND Purposely- Kindness, Tender-heartedness, Forgiveness!

You may not get recognized for it or appreciated BUT THE DAY IS COMING when HE WILL RECOGNIZE and reward you for the DIFFERENCE you CHOSE TO BE – For HIS SAKE!

Be A DIFFERENT Type of Person
You Have A Different Type of Power to be so!
You Have A Different Motivation!

WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN Your world- Your sphere? Then Choose to be a Different Type of Person, a Difference Maker…by Choosing to…”Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.”-{Eph 4:32}

Your light is shining and men will see your good works and glorify your father in heaven as you continue to CHOOSE to be a DIFFERENT Type of Personr – A DIFFERENCE  MAKER!