You can’t have fellowship with failures of the past or fears of the future!

But you can have fellowship with Jesus Christ. “God is faithful who has called you into fellowship with His Son.”-{1 Cor 1:9}.

To live continually thinking on the past failures, sin, is detrimental in your spiritual walk, and it dishonors Him who died to pay the penalty and deliver you from the power of it.

In Philippians 3 we are COMMANDED, “Forgetting what lies behind…” The word “forgetting,”means to “willfully neglect,.” Imagine having a potted plant in the corner of your room. But you refuse to give it your attention, time, or give it water or sunshine or nutrients of any kind. You know it is there but you refuse to give it your attention, you choose to give your thinking, attention elsewhere in Paul’s case it was “forgetting what lies behind and pressing on…”  You cannot press on to know Him, if you are continually, constantly dwelling on the past. Remember God has taken care of your past, through the BLOOD of His Son. He has taken care of your past so you not be taken up with them but Him! He has “erased” all of your sins on the cross. If God condemned His Son on your behalf why are you living like He has not! Your past sins are wiped away as are your present and future sins. Glory in Jesus Christ and pursue Him.

The fears of the future again is to tempt you to look ahead and live as though God will not be in that moment of the future that you are fearful and worrying about. In Luke 12 worry and fear travel together. God is in your future and His grace is present tense sufficient a moment by moment grace to empower you to walk with Him. Often we choose, yes choose to worry and fear things that never come to pass. For many of us a “thought” comes to mind and we accept it  and choose to think and think and think and it’s like we can’t think of anything else, when we need to recognize it, reject it by replacing it by choosing to dwell on truth!{Read Phil 4:8}. Jesus is truth{John 14;6} His Word is Truth {John 17:17} Think on Him and HIS Word and renew your mind with his Word and REPEAT again and again-{Rom 12:2}.

THE TRUTH IS, His Blood cleanses you continually of all sin including all your past sins. And also His love drives out fear. Look away to Jesus, Consider Him, the writer of Hebrews says. Live in the no. God “…has given you everything pertaining to life and Godliness and… precious magnificent promises” to apply so we can live such a life! {Read 2 Peter 1:3-4}.

Living in past failures or future fares is not Godly living and disrespects Him, DISHONORS Him, AS IT IS LIVING AS THOUGH HE DID NOT COME DIE AND PAY FOR ALL OF YOUR SINS and displaces Him in our thinking. It is a trap, an evil temptation from the evil one to seek to turn you away from Him. But the good news is you have the power no longer to yield  to the old thought patterns, this is why it is imperative to take in His Word and choose to meditate on truth for continuance in His Word sets us free, from yielding to these wicked temptations that turn us inward and not upward towards Him and outward in seeking to love others!

I once heard a story of a former soldier who while out on main street had a former Sargent see him and shout at him and order him to put his groceries in his car. The former soldier immediately responded and did so. later on he thought to himself that he was no longer under the Sargent’s authority, so why did he do it? It was a habit from when he was in the army. But now he need not obey as he was no longer under military authority. God has translated you from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of His Son and so when the thought comes to look to past sins, or future fears realize you are not under the evil’s one dominion, you are under God’s authority. Break the pattern by speaking the TRUTH to yourself. “As far as the east is from the west so far He has removed your iniquities…”  and “my God will supply all of your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ .”-{Phil 4:19}.


“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. “

-{Gal 5:1}.

God set you free from condemnation {Rom 8:1};

God has promised to take care of all of your needs. LIVE IN THE PRESENT… with your Present Tense Savior and LORD!

 God has not called you to fellowship with past failures or sin or future fears, But. “God is faithful who has called you into fellowship with His Son.”-{1 Cor 1:9}.